Hashtag Trending – Facebook under fire; iOS 12 fights smartphone addiction; DNA service hacked

Facebook has some more tough questions to answer from U.S. lawmakers, Apple’s iOS 12 beta is designed to help you use your iPhone less often; and a DNA analysis service reports a data breach.

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‘Sure Looks Like Zuckerberg Lied’ to Congress About User Privacy, As New Facebook Data-Sharing Deals Come to Light from technology

Trending on Reddit, U.S. lawmakers are saying that Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg lied to Congress. When Zuckerberg appeared before Congress earlier this spring, he said that users had complete control over how their data was used. But according to a Sunday report in the New York Times, that may have not always been the case. The report alleges that Facebook made data-sharing agreements with device makers, including Apple, Amazon, BlackBerry, Microsoft, and Samsung. The deals Facebook made would have provided these manufacturers access to user data, including friend lists, without their consent. So while developers may have been blocked from user data by 2015, device makers continued to access it. Facebook says this data sharing is consistent with its privacy policy.

Trending on Product Hunt, Apple’s iOS 12 beta release. Apple unveiled three new OS updates at its WWDC event yesterday, but iOS seems to be the most popular with developers. An interesting new aspect to this version of the mobile OS are tools to make you use your phone less. That’s right after years of getting us hooked on our smartphones, Apple’s Screen Time app will give users a weekly activity summary showing exactly how much they’re using their devices, with details on time spent in specific apps. Using App Limits, users can also receive warnings when they are spending longer than they want in a certain app. They can even elect to block it off once that time’s been exceeded.

Trending on LinkedIn, Israeli-based DNA testing service MyHeritage says it was hacked last year by unknown attackers. The website allows users to explore their family history. It learned on June 4th that the login credentials of 92 million members were compromised. The discovery came only after a security researcher found a database with the records on a private server. MyHeritage says that members that signed up before October 27, 2017 are affected. If there’s any good news in this, it’s that the passwords weren’t stored in plaintext. They were encrypted, but that doesn’t mean they couldn’t be cracked. But it still recommends changing your password.

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Brian Jackson
Brian Jacksonhttp://www.itbusiness.ca
Editorial director of IT World Canada. Covering technology as it applies to business users. Multiple COPA award winner and now judge. Paddles a canoe as much as possible.

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