Panda re-emerges in Canada with TruPrevent

Established in Bilbao, Spain back in 1990, the company got its start bundling its software on IBM and Tandem machines. It now has come out with TruPrevent technology, which according to Derek Merilees, the director of sales and marketing for Panda Canada, completely goes against what anti-virus software does today.

“Anti-virus is reactive. Being reactive is not enough, you need to be preventative,” he said.

According to Merilees, the TruPrevent intrusion prevention system detects and blocks unknown viruses that other anti-virus programs are unable to see. To be able to detect a virus, the program needs a corresponding entry in its signature file.

“With the advent of the Internet a lot of latest malicious codes spread instantly,” he said.

TruPrevent analyzes the behavior of these programs and blocks any suspicious activity.

Another key for Panda is its virus and intrusion protection software is available in 23 languages.

TruPrevent is only available in the channel. Panda Canada has about 200 partners, but are looking for more dedicated partners in each region of the country. The company also has product available at retailers.

The company offers 30 per cent margins off the product, Merilees said.

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Paolo Del Nibletto
Paolo Del Nibletto
Former editor of Computer Dealer News, covering Canada's IT channel community.

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