Bruce Stuart series on cloud transformation

This year CDN featured 25 insightful articles on the business transformation as a result of cloud computing by channel guru Bruce Stuart.

Stuart the founder and president of ChannelCorp developed LivePlan and CDN teamed up with Stuart to offer CDN readers a 30 DAY RISK FREE PILOT of the unique cloud based business planning solution LivePLan.  LivePlan is the best cloud based business planning solution that Channelcorp has found publically available on the market.  You can use LivePLan to model your recurring revenue business (cloud/SaaS/MPS).  You can then use LivePlan to merge financial models of your traditional business with the recurring revenue models of your cloud, SaaS or MPS business to get the whole business-planning picture.  For $139.95 per year (thirty eight cents per day) you can have access to LivePlan. Get started, by trying a 30-day free trial.

Cloud revenues are growing at 4-5 times the rate of the IT industry as a whole however only 25-30 per cent of partners are cloud ready.  Those partners that are cloud ready are gaining net new clients at 2-4 times the rate of those that are not.

In a few short years cloud computing, software as a service and managed print services (MPS) has forever transformed the landscape of the information technology and communications industry (ITC).  The structural transition from traditional models of the sale of products such as on premise software to the sale of software as a service has begun in all of the major software, hardware and telecommunications companies in all of the major markets around the world.

CDN is offering all of Stuart’s LivePlan articles from the year below.

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