What’s the future of mobile device management? An ITWC Twitter chat

Updated Feb. 26, 4:00 pm E.S.T. We just had one of our liveliest and fast-paced Twitter chats yet, there were so many interesting tweets coming in it was hard not to get sucked into the discussion! We saw diversity in opinions about corporate mobile policy, personal experiences and some jokes thrown in the mix as well. Thank you again to our amazing panel of guest experts, Elaine, Stephen and Kevin, and all other participants. Be sure to follow them on Twitter and don’t forget to join in our upcoming Twitter chats, on the last Thursday of the month!

It’s hard to imagine that there was ever a time where mobile devices weren’t integrated into our workplace, but it wasn’t that long ago. Many companies still hold different policies on using mobile devices, and it’s pretty clear that there’s no one-strategy-fits-all approach. Unfortunately, there neither is only one acronym to describe it! Should you bring-your-own-device (BYOD), use a company-owned-personally-enabled (COPE) one, or separate work and play with a company-owned-business-only (COBO)? Does having two phones protect your personal data in the event of a breach or is it just a nuisance? Is getting a free phone from work worth all of the device security controls and limitations?

We are thrilled to have a line up of accomplished leaders who are have experience in bringing innovation to the forefront of their organizations.

Elaine Mah
Elaine Mah
Elaine Mah, Director for Canada at Intel Corporation, who is passionate about the importance of technology to the Canadian economy and about emerging trends. She is especially familiar with the BYOD movement as an early adopter to the trend at Intel.

Stephen Abraham
Stephen Abraham
Stephen Abraham, CIO and Director of IT of the Medical Council of Canada, is the embodiment of technology and business with 30 years of incredibly diverse experience from programming to entrepreneurship, and has been a CIO for the past decade.

Kevin Pashuk
Kevin Pashuk, CIO of Appleby College, is not only working to bring innovation to the staff, but is revolutionizing the learning experience of students by incorporating technology into the classroom.

Join us on Thursday, Feb. 26 from 12 p.m. EST to 1 p.m. EST to discuss your corporate mobile experience! We’ll be chatting at the hashtag #ITWCchats.

If this is your first time participating, check out this video on how to take part in a Twitter chat. The questions are listed below so you can start thinking about what you might want to tweet about. Hope to see you there!

Q1. Do you use your own mobile devices to help you at work? How has it helped you be more productive? #ITWCchats

Q2. What common challenges are faced when developing a corporate mobility strategy? #ITWCchats

Q3. What measures should be taken to protect company data on mobile devices? #ITWCchats

Q4. Who should be responsible for personal data on corporate devices? The employee or the IT department? #ITWCchats

Q5. If using your own device at work meant accepting some device management by your company, would you do it? #ITWCchats

Q6. Are corporate mobile devices for everyone? What roles/circumstances should be considered when deploying devices? #ITWCchats

Q7. What mobile apps have helped you at work? ITWCchats

Q8. Between BYOD, company-owned personally-enabled or company-owned business-only, does one system work better than the others? #ITWCchats

Q9. What needs to be considered by companies to improve the adoption rates of BYOD? #ITWCchats

Q10. What are some best practices with mobile device management? #ITWCchats

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Jim Love, Chief Content Officer, IT World Canada

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